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Related Organizations

No one organization (or government) is capable of solving the world's most pressing and difficult problems such as climate change and poverty. It takes a cooperative community of both organizations and governments, working in harmony, to make progress in resolving the many challenges facing humanity. The following organizations deserve your consideration and support, sharing our values and/or are focused on solving major problems we have identified as focus areas:


Secular Seasons - Provides detailed information on conducting secular rituals and ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and memorials, baby namings and welcoming ceremonies, and invocations and graces.

Climate Change & The Environment

TED Countdown - Countdown is "a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, turning ideas into action."

Greenpeace - For 50 years, has featured the use of non-violent actions to fight for "a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment."

World Wildlife Fund - Active in 100 countries, works to preserve species and landscapes and "addressing the larger global threats and forces that impact them."

Human Rights

Amnesty International - Working with communities around the world to equip residents "with the knowledge and tools to engage with government officials to claim their rights and improve their lives," focusing on housing, health and education.

Poverty, Hunger & Disease

Oxfam - Founded in 1995, a global movement working in more than 90 countries to fight inequality to reduce poverty.

Doctors Without Borders - Founded in 1971, provides "medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from healthcare."

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